Introduction to Goals
Why Goals Are Important
Goals are powerful tools for achieving success and creating a meaningful life. They provide direction, focus, and clarity, enabling you to prioritize what matters most. Without clear goals, it’s easy to drift or feel overwhelmed. When you progress or move forward on your goals, you build momentum and motivation to keep going. It’s a self-reinforcing cycle or positive feedback loop where small wins lead to more success.
Defining Goals
What is a goal?
A goal is a specific, measurable, and time-bound outcome you work toward. Goals have steps and require action. Goals connect present-day actions to future growth and milestones.
Definitions of Goal-related Concepts
How are goals different from milestones? What about dreams vs goals? There are similarities between these concepts, but there are also differences. The smallest, most concrete, and short-term concepts are action items and objectives. Action items repeated over and over build into a habit. A milestone is an intermediate marker of progress on a goal. A goal can be short-term or long-term, but a goal can be completed. You can definitively say whether or not you reached your goal if it is specific and measurable. Dreams and aspirations are long-term, broad, and abstract. It’s harder to know if you achieved your dreams or aspirations, but they are closely related to life’s meaning and purpose. All of the concepts are important pieces of making progress on what is important to you.